These shoes are the ultimate expression of cool recycling! They are completely hand made with flat weaves from Central Anatolia. The pieces of rugs come from textiles that can not be repaired and are too small for using in patchworks. The preferred manufacturing textiles are kilims and CICIM, which are kilims that have been embroidered on top. The sole and the interior of the shoes are made in leather. Suzani Designs is in the process of creating some other models, but the whole idea behind them is to wear a splash of colors that can work with jeans or a more formal outfit. The range is a big as the carpets that they come from: muted colors, bright harlequins ones, striped, etc. Workmanship and time’s patina give them the perfect sophisticated look. The benefit is their comfortable fit. Being made with carpet assures the user a full adaption to the feet in a way that is difficult to leave them in the closet once they have molded to your step.

To order them click on the picture, but be aware that EACH pair is an individual creation, with different patterns and color combinations, so there is no guaranty that I will have the exact pair in the requested size. Therefore, because it is difficult to keep up with the pictures, please send me an email and I will send you more alternatives in the color range you are looking for.

PRICE: $195

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